All My Favorite Things

I want to share with you all my favorite things that help me keep my sanity at home. (this post is full of affiliate links)

I keep hearing people say mom-life is hard… I don’t think that’s true though. I think we choose to let it be “hard” so we can stay in our comfort zone, in that hot mess mom culture that feels so safe and chaotic. 

The truth is: life gets to be easy, if you let it be easy. When we choose to let it be easy, we free up our time and energy to elevate in other areas of our life. We can lean more into our true purpose and grow deeper in our relationships. Life gets better when we let it be easy. 

Today I want to share with you a few of the things that make my own life a bit easier. Some of it’s mindset shifts, some of it’s the products that make daily life simpler or better. 

5 Things that make mom-life easier.

1. Detaching from stress and letting it go 

This is a big one. Learning to recognize and release stress is a worthwhile skill to hone and it’s something I’ll be going deep in detail on in The Happy Mom Method course launching this month. 

  1. Recognize the feeling of stress in your body and the anxious thoughts in your mind 
  2. Choose to release the stress. Stress is a choice, let it go. 
  3. Deep breath. I like the dancer’s variation of the 4-7-8 method for breathing (that’s breathe in 1-2-3-4, hold 5-6-7, breathe out 8). 
  4. Use a mantra, affirmation, verse, grounding statement to focus on the truth of the situation. 

2. Using a daily planner 

Of course, I use my Everyday Joy Planner, but this advice is for any planner that excites you and motivates you to organize those thoughts swimming in your brain everyday. When we write down the things that need to be done, we free up the brain space that’s otherwise used to remind us repeatedly of the thing that needs done. I use my planner for everything, appointments, reminders, affirmations, gratitude, meal planning, brain dumping, scheduling to do list tasks… Anything I don’t want to forget, gets written in there. 

3. Reliable appliances and tools 

Specifically, I love my Shark vacuum. I grew up in a family that was always replacing or repairing our vacuum cleaners. It was stressful to clean the floors, it was more of a chore than it needed to be, it took longer than it needed to, it was a headache in itself. Ever since I got my reliable Shark vacuum, cleaning the floors has become one of my easiest chores, I honestly don’t even complain about vacuuming – and with 4 dogs, a cat, and 3 boys in the house, messes happen often. One of my favorite things about this vacuum is the Zero M technology which prevents hair wrap. I’ve had this vacuum for almost 4 years and have NEVER had to cut my hair out of the roller, that’s big for me. 

4. Meal Planning 

I’ve taken meal planning a step farther recently by using dinner box delivery services (like Every Plate). They give me a handful of simple recipes each week to choose from, I select 3-5 dinners for the week and everything is delivered to my door. Easy Peasy and I can’t imagine not taking advantage of a system like this anymore. 

5. Kids Fire tablets

Screen time saves my sanity. I can’t be “on” all the time with my kids. Sometimes I need to break for a midday bubble bath, sometimes I need to get some work done. These tablets have been so simple for the kids to use and I love that I can set parental controls on them – things like limiting hour many hours a day they can use it, predetermining what hours they can use them, shutting off all games and only allowing books during certain times, and being able to trust that all content they see is kid-friendly. It’s really been helpful to alleviate some of the stress these days. 

Some of my favorite books

 Declutter Like a Mother (book) 

 Wintering (book) 

 How To Keep House While Drowning (book) 

Things that make my home cozy

 Coffee Maker 

 Throw Blanket