In case no one’s told you: being a mom IS a big enough dream.

In case no one’s told you: being a mom IS a big enough dream.

Don’t let anyone make you feel ashamed for choosing ease and joy. There’s no special medal for having the busiest, toughest, most emotionally draining day.

You are allowed to let this be easy. The meaningful part of motherhood is not found in your ability to keep your house ready for a showing or the complexity of the meals you cook.

The meaning of motherhood is found in your relationship to your children. Let’s not forget our priorities. Let’s not forget the parenting is the most important part.

Don’t let others make you feel shame for making everyday life as easy as possible.
It’s not your fault they dreamed up a more difficult and unfulfilling life for themselves.

Don’t let their mistake take away from your success.

Being a mom is enough.

Being a good mom is not about how hard you make it.

You are doing a fantastic job and you are already enough. 💗💗💗💗💗

👇🏻 show of hands: who needed to hear this today?? 🙋🏼‍♀️

About Me

I’m Brittni, a mom of 3 boys whose desire is that every woman knows she is worthy of ease and joy and finds the encouragement and motivation to pursue her best life possible.

I use my own history of mental illness and stories from my past and present to teach other moms how to overcome your negative thoughts and embrace all that you are called to be.